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时间:2015-10-28 19:12 nbsp;  来源:风尚网

      近日,荷兰航空推出全新机上安全视频,长达3分20秒的安全解说以动画形式在一1000 件Delft Blue青瓷片上呈现。


      这个机上安全视频是由著名的荷兰“代尔夫特蓝陶”倾力工艺打造的。我们很珍惜这个荷兰的独特工艺,安全视频的每一个细节都是精挑细选的。对于荷兰航空的飞行安全过程 ,我们同样秉持了挑选这个“代尔夫特蓝陶”安全视频一样的眼光。


KLM’s new flight safety film inspired by Delft Blue craftsmanship


Recently ,KLM launched new flight safety film, for up to 3 minutes and 20 seconds security commentary to the form of animation in the 1000 pieces Delft Blue celadon representation on chip.

Being a leader in aviation safety, it is our top priority to care about every detail of your flight safety. Clear on-board safety instructions are an important element of our flight safety procedure. Starting 1 November, we will introduce a striking new flight safety film on all of our intercontinental flights.

The film is inspired by the techniques used by the famous Delft Blue artisans. We cherish the craftsmanship of this Dutch art because every detail is painted with care. At KLM we conduct our safety process with the very same eye for detail.

Creating a film that grabs and holds the attention of every passenger is important to us, while putting a smile on your face. That’s why we created something special for you.





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